La iglesia de Santa María de Altagracia se levanta en el centro histórico de Mora salvaguardando su historia. Fue reconstruida en el siglo XVI tras el incendio que tuvo lugar durante la Guerra de las Comunidades de Castilla en 1521.
El templo presenta estilo gótico tardío y su construcción se le atribuye al arquitecto Alonso de Covarrubias. Está compuesto por una solanave dividida en cuatro tramos separados por arcos torales apuntdos y cubiertos con bóveda de crucería. Sobre el último tramo de bóveda ojival plana se asienta el coro, que aun hoy se utiliza.
Conserva varias tablas realizadas por los pintores Juan Correa de Vivar y de Francisco de Comontes, de dos retablos ya desaparecidos.
En su exterior, podemos contemplar la decoración de perlas en sus muros y las pequeñas ventadas de herraduras instaladas en alfices. A los pies, está la torre del campanario, cuyo cuerpo es más moderno que el resto de la construcción y que se encuntra rematada por un chapitel de pizarra.
Durante las obras de restauración y rehabilitación del edificio en el año 2017, aparecieron nuevos datos que desvelaremos en próximas rutas por nuestros monumentos.
Parochial Church of Saint Mary of High Grace
The original building could have been built along the XIII century. It had a wood roof and its measures were smaller. During the War of the Communities it suffered an important fire in 1521.
Its architectonic style is late gothic. It has a rectangular floor and the first sketches could be made by Alonso de Covarrubias, main master in the Cathedral. The north front (corresponding to the Herradores square, after Castelar and now located next to the tower) it is made by a tri-lob arch, three niches (in its upper side) and a basket-handle arch, plus two side buttresses. The west front has a special characteristic: its ogee arch. Its auditorium is divided in three parts, separated by pointed transverse arches. The covering is formed by a ribbed vault and decorated ribs with the Santiago´s cross, because this church was property of the Order with the same name until 1568. The chorus is supported by a basket-handle arch decorated with pearls and balls. On the right there is a sculpted emblem of the Holy Office.
The tower was built with ashlars, but a part was built in stone later (XVII century). On the top there is a slate spire, it was destroyed by a lightning and it was rebuilt in the Age of Enlightenment. The main altarpiece was made after the Civil War (1936). The Church still has ancient liturgical objects (a cross and a custody). There are important paintings too, which are dated in the XVI century. Juan Corres de Villar and Francisco de Comontes are the creators of these artworks .
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